Tuesday, 26 March 2019

Get Lost! - Live @ The Underground 4.10.2002 + Never Come Back (Voodoo Rhythm Records 2002)

The Get Lost were a Garage Rock band formed in 2000 in Bern, Switzerland by founding members of the Portland, Oregon eighties garage revival band, The Miracle Workers. Members included Gerry Mohr (vox,guitar), Robert Butler (bass, guitar) Chris Rosales (drums) and Kat Aellen (bass). The group recorded one LP for Switzerland's Voodoo Rhythm Records in 2001 entitled "Never Come Back".    -Source

Picking up where the Miracle Workers' classic Inside Out left off, former members Gerry Mohr and Robert Butler, himself also the founder of garage legends the Untold Fables, have promised to ignore all the modern trends and bring to the world the most fuzzed-out psychedelic/garage trio yet: the GET LOST!
After the Workers ended in the early 90s Butler moved to Switzerland and played with bassist Kat Aellen in the heavy psych group "Bishops Daughter" and garage beat-band "The In-Sekt." Throughout the 90s they also produced and engineered recordings for dozens of bands wanting their trademark hard-hitting sound, including a number of releases on the highly-respected Voodoo Rhythm label. With Voodoo Rhythm chief Lightning Beat-Man, they shocked and sickened audiences across Europe in the legendary spectacle/ritual/show/circus, the Bad Taste Rock'n'Roll Revue.
Meanwhile, former Miracle Workers vocalist Gerry Mohr was singing under the name "Malcolm Crowne" for the American psych supergroup the Cavemanish Boys, whose album was released in 1999. Mohr moved to Switzerland in the summer of 2000, and during a casual jam-session the three realized there was unfinished business at hand. They resolved to form a new band, one which would put to work all they had learned in their years of writing, performing and producing the world's greatest psych and beat music.
Believing that only the loudest and most savage rhythms could compliment the howling fuzz of their songs, it was decided that Chris Rosales, also an American ex-patriot and drummer well-known around Switzerland and elsewhere for his pounding with Lightning Beat-man's group, "The Never Heard Of 'Ems," The "In-Sekt", "Les Super Supers soul revue", and currently with The Reverend Beat-man's band, would be offered the chance to regularly destroy his drums on-stage with The Get Lost.
After signing a lucrative deal with Voodoo Rhythm Records in 2001, the band flew to London to record their debut waxing, "Never Come Back". The trademark "vintage" sounds from producer Liam Watson's Toe Rag studios proved a perfect match for the Get Lost's dynamic rock'n'roll attack.
In the fall of 2001 Bassist Kat Aellen left the band to devote more time to her new band the Mad Cow Girls. A few months later with Butler now on bass, the Get Lost emerged as a three piece ready to head out on the road for thier first tour of Europe planned in Spring of 2002.    -Source

Get Lost! - Live @ The Underground 4.10.2002 (Direct@WAVE)    320

*** All the credit is due to MiTcH uSeLeSs ***

Get Lost! - Never Come Back (Voodoo Rhythm Records 2002)

Für Leute, die mittlerweile sämtlich die 30 überschritten haben, gab es Mitte der Achtziger eine Band, die in Sachen Garagen-Punk das absolute Konsensding waren: die MIRACLE WORKERS. Manche gehen sogar so weit, sie als die beste Garagenband aller Zeiten zu bezeichnen, was immer dann schwer fällt zu glauben, wenn man sie selbst nie live gesehen hat.
Gitarrist der MIRACLE WORKERS war ein gewisser Robert Butler, der nach dem Ende der MIRACLE WORKERS Mitte der Neunziger in die Schweiz übersiedelte und dort mit Bands wie BISHOP'S DAUGHTER oder IN SEKT weiterhin Musik machte - wie auch in den diversen Bands von Voodoo Rhythm-Boss Beat-Man.
Und hier fängt der Kreis an sich zu schließen: Als der einstige MIRACLE WORKERS-Frontmann Gerry Mohr nach dem Ende seiner CAVEMANISH BOYS ebenfalls in die Schweiz zog, kam es, wie es kommen musste.
Mohr und Butler fingen an zusammen Musik zu machen, und nachdem mit Kat Aellen eine Bassistin gefunden hatte und Robert Chris Rosales, mit dem er bei LIGHTNING BEAT-MAN und REV. BEAT-MAN gespielt hat, als Drummer gewinnen konnte, war das Line-Up von GET LOST perfekt.
Logisch, dass dann für die Album-Aufnahmen nicht irgend ein Studio ausgesucht wurde, nein, es musste schon das Londoner Toe Rag-Studio mit Liam Watson himself als Produzent sein, und dass bei so viel geballtem musikalischem Sachverstand dann eigentlich nichts schief gehen konnte, war beinahe klar.
Und bei diesen Einflüssen überrascht auch das Ergebnis nicht weiter: GET LOST! setzen genau da an, wo Butler und Mohr Mitte der Neunziger getrennte Wege gingen, führen das Erbe der MIRACLE WORKERS fort, spielen mitreißenden, fuzzig-psychedelischen Garagenpunk der Extraklasse.
Das tun sie durchaus im Hier und Jetzt, will heißen man legt keinen großen Wert darauf, jetzt besonders altmodisch zu klingen. Ein feines Album, das einmal mehr beweist, dass Voodoo Rhythm derzeit ganz klar das heisseste europäische Rock'n'Roll-Label ist.    -Joachim Hiller

Get Lost! - Never Come Back (Voodoo Rhythm Records 2002) FLAC    320 


Monday, 25 March 2019

The Hanson Brothers - Live @ The Underground 13.5.2002 + some more

Please, DON’T mix-up these brilliant “Puck-Rock-Punk-Band” with the chartstorming boygroup from Tulsa who also called themselves “The Hanson Bros.” in their early days.
Thank You!"

Wiki says:
The Hanson Brothers were a Canadian punk rock band formed in 1984 in Victoria and later based in Vancouver. The group included John and Rob Wright and Tom Holliston, all members of the punk rock band Nomeansno. The Hanson Brothers' band name references characters in the cult ice hockey film Slap Shot.... more Wiki here

The Hanson Brothers have got to be one of, if not the, most fun and yet technically proficient pop punk bands that has ever existed. The hockey-obsessed mutant alter ego of Canadian punk veterans NoMeansNo, the Hanson Brothers take a concept as simple as Ramonescore, crank the musicianship up to 11, and let their freak flag fly with a zeal, humor and strangeness that will probably never be matched. At no point is their brand of weird "puck rock” better exemplified than on their debut 1992 album, Gross Misconduct, 14 of the zaniest yet technically shredding pop-punk songs committed to tape.

Led by Tommy and Johnny Hanson (brothers Tom and John Wright), their image is composed of one part Ramones and one part eponymous “Slapshot” hockey goons. For all their weirdo posturing and hilarious on-stage antics, including goonish tough-guy banter and a bass player sporting a hockey mask with “DUMB” written on its forehead, the music speaks for itself; drawing from a range of influences while sticking close to the spirit of Joey and Company, the Hanson Brothers take the predictability of the genre and twist it into something wholly unique....  Source 

... so, and here is the album to the “My Game”-Tour

Hanson Brothers - My Game (Mint Records 2002)

The Hanson Brothers last album (I'm assuming) is a fine album, half or more of which is superb. (So is its cover, the 3rd in 3 to show a brilliant sense of humor and tribute at the same time). While I will always point anyone interested in The Hanson Brothers towards Gross Misconduct, this has its share of great moments.
They actually make the song Get It Right Back LISTENABLE, and what's more--GREAT!!!
Other highlights are the tribute to Joey Ramone, Joey Had To Go (which, despite the first couple of tounge-in-cheek lines, IS a real heartfelt tribute to the KING of Punk; just see the Hanson Brothers' DVD for further proof.
I Know You sounds like a song I've heard before, it's strangely familiar; it's ALSO excellent! Honey, I'm Home is another great rocker, and Unsung Heroes is a beautiful instrumental, sounding both triumphant and serene at the same time. It's PERFECT, the best thing on here.
Geez, you NEED some Hanson Brothers if you like rock 'n roll-style punk, like The RAMONES, you need Something by these guys!
You could much worse than this CD. Give it a try.
And watch Slapshot!
The whole concept behind this band was more than just the Ramones sound and hockey; it was the greatness of how the hanson brothers,who in the movie Slapshot, are the scoffed-at, yet they are the most ass-kicking players there are; they take no s--t! No time to mess around! And the Ramones? They never got no respect either--But they didn't let that deter them! They showed the world they were the BEST!!   

Shlomo Sinatra

…jetzt noch eine tolle Plattenkritik für alle deutschsprachigen Leser dieses Blogs.

"The Hanson Brothers are best known for the many best selling albums they've released under the name NoMeansNo, their long time side project." Der erste Satz des Wischzettels faßt fast die wichtigsten Informationen zusammen. Wo andere Bands hier und da mal ein Konzeptalbum absondern, sind die Hanson Brothers die Konzeptband der Menschen, die sonst NoMeansNo sind. Das Konzept heißt Eishockey, und dementsprechend gibt es hier straighten In-die-Fresse-Punkrock ohne Schnörkel. Mit dem frickeligen Hardcore der 'Nebenkapelle' hat "My game" recht wenig zu tun.
Die Kanadier sind beneidenswert, denn Eishockey ist ja als Volkssport so viel schöner als Fußball. Mehr bodenständig als prollig scheint es zuzugehen, wenn denn der Eishockeyrock der Hanson Brothers so authentisch und repräsentativ ist, wie es die Coverfotos glauben machen. Und es gibt keinen Grund, daran zu zweifeln. Wer jetzt aber bodenständig mit langweilig gleichsetzen will, sei gewarnt: Mit dieser These bewegt man sich auf verdammt dünnem Eis.
Dem verstorbenen Spielführer ihres Lieblingsteams haben die Hansons gar einen Song gewidmet: "Joey had to go" ist eine wunderbar unsentimentale Hommage an Mr. Ramone und zeigt gleichzeitig, daß Eishockey viel mehr als Sport ist. Es ist eine Lebenseinstellung. Alles sollte einfach, schlicht und doch von hoher Qualität sein. Ein einziges Mal weicht die Band kurz von dieser Maxime ab: "Unsung heroes" heißt das Stück und ist sinnigerweise ein Instrumental. Soviel Hintersinn ist doch schon fast akademisch. Punkrock ohne Text, das ist doch intellektuelle Kunstkacke.
Der Rest ist Eishockey, schnell gespielt, mit sauberen Bodychecks. Hart, aber fair. Ab und zu darf die Fankurve mitsingen, wie bei "Give me anything" oder auch beim großartigen "100 + 10%". In die Beine geht eigentlich die ganze Platte ohne Ausnahme. Zu beachten ist nur eines: "No fancy schmancy pants and / No dispy doodle dancing / It's hockey a la Hanson."    Rüdiger Hofmann

*** All the credit is due to MiTcH uSeLeSs, especially for the "Live @ The Underground". ***

The Hanson Brothers - Live @ The Underground 13.5.2002 FLAC   320

The Hanson Brothers - My Game (Mint Records 2002) @320

The Hanson Brothers ‎- Gross Misconduct (Alternative Tentacles 1992) @320


Friday, 22 March 2019

FIFI & THE MACH III - Live @ The Underground Vol. 27 ~ 8.6.2002 + Vol.70~28.10.2003

FIFI AND THE MACH III are/were one of the hottest punk bands from Japan, founded 1983 in Kita Kyushu as the Mach III. Just at this time Fifi became pregnant, must have to stop and the rest of the band had to continue with different singers, but since 1989 only Fifi sang and they changed the bandname to Fifi and the Mach III.

In 1990 they released a demo....and it even sold, preferably in Tokyo. The second demo then went to Kunio Yoshiwara of Barn Homes/1 + 2 Records, who gave a copy to Jeff Dahl and who then made sure that 1 + 2 Records signed them.
Nolly and Fifi remember…."at first we only talked about a single, but in the end we recorded 14 songs directly. We told him to pick the best, but Jeff decided to take them all and put them on an album"….called “Attack The Zombies”.

Over the next 12 years, they released another 3 Albums, 10 Singles/EPs and 3 Compilations.

They toured a lot and gained great reputation as a live band. In 2002 & 2003 Europe was their destination and in both years they visited the UNDERGROUND CLUB in Köln-Ehrenfeld, not without giving the people there what they want....loads of very fine punk rock bangers, somewhere between the RAMONES and Surf, varied and driving….with very cool female vocals…wild, loud and snotty. EXCELLENT!!!

A technical note:
The in total around 150 shows were recorded mainly through the soundboard, but, as usual in clubs of that size (around 300), guitars weren't put through the soundboard too loud as they come loud enough from the amplifiers.
MiTcH: "That might (compared with having been there that night) sound a bit lame and too voice-orientated, but in my opinion MUCH MUCH better than any audience recording.
By the way, ALL recordings were done with the band's permissions. NEVER was a show recorded without the bands' OK !
Most comments were like as long as you don't make money with it, it's fine for us".

*** All the credit is due to MiTcH uSeLeSs ***

FIFI & THE MACH III - Live @ The Underground Vol.27 (8.6.2002)     WAVE   320

FIFI & THE MACH III - Live @ The Underground Vol.70 (28.10.2003) WAVE   320
